Creature Comforts: Five Things You Need in an Office Space
What do you need in an office space to be truly productive? Coffee? Blazing-fast wifi? With trends like working from home becoming the norm, working in rented office space is hotter than ever.
As the experts in flexible office space, Sobon & Associates is here to talk about what sets us apart from the rest. (Coffee and WiFi are a given!) Creature comforts, designed to make you feel comfortable, be productive and feel healthy.
- Comfortable furniture: If you don’t have a comfortable chair that supports your back and allows you to easily reach your laptop or work surface, it can ruin your whole day. Comfortable chairs and desks can help prevent discomfort and pain associated with sitting for long periods of time. (But it’s always a good idea to get up and stretch or walk from time to time!)
- Adequate lighting: The glare from a monitor – or garish translucent lights – can really hinder productivity and comfort. Good lighting can help reduce eye strain and headaches and can also improve mood and productivity.
- Good air quality: Proper ventilation and air circulation can improve air quality and help prevent stuffiness and odors in the office. Maintaining a neutral temperature is also critical – too cool and people are scrambling for sweaters. Too hot and they’re uncomfortable or sleepy.
- Access to natural light: Exposure to natural light has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase productivity. We have some offices with large windows overlooking beautiful, wooded areas… and for those who prefer no distractions or glare we have interior offices, too.
- Comfortable kitchen areas: Our kitchen area is always kept clean and tidy, with free coffee and water for all.
If it seems like we’ve thought of everything, we have. Grab your laptop or tablet and join us! Our private, individual office are available with 24-hour access. Sobon & Associates is proud to serve professionals in central Connecticut. Call 203-271-1100 for a free quote today!