Want to Save Time and Energy? We Have the Answer.

Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get through your “to-do” list. You have a list of outreach calls to make. A voicemailbox full of un-returned calls. And a calendar that’s chock-full of tasks and meetings. If you feel like you’re drowning in administrative tasks, we have a solution. Our office, meeting and conference space offers skilled administrative support to help manage your workload, reduce work distractions and manage your time more effectively.

Reception staff will answer your calls

Don’t want to be bothered? Need to focus? Our reception staff will answer your calls (yes, an actual human) with your business name and can route calls to you, your voicemail or even a colleague. You’ll be safe from interruptions, while your business continues running in the background.

Administrative support staff are an extra set of hands

In addition to answering your incoming calls, our support staff can schedule appointments or call backs on your behalf, saving you time. Your calendar will be booked for you – saving you time and energy – while you continue on with what you do best.

Coffee, tea and ordering lunch

If you’re in the thick of prepping for a big meeting, the last thing you’re thinking about is “who has the best chicken salad around?” Our support staff can take over the time-consuming task of ordering lunch for you and your guests, so you can focus on the business at hand. And our on-site kitchen is always stocked with premium coffee and tea for you and your guests.

Mail handling, sorting and postage

Your incoming mail will be sorted and held for you – whenever you’re ready for it - or we can forward to you wherever you are. Plus, our skilled staff can help with outgoing mail and postage, so you can spend your time on what matters most – growing your business. 

Need a higher level of support?

Beyond just photocopying, our skilled staff can type up notes and agendas, help create professional PowerPoint presentations, or even help with invoicing, billing and bookkeeping. Let us know your specific needs, and we’ll get the right kind of staff to help.

Whether you’re crossing items off your “to-do” list, following up on hot leads or reaching out to new customers, Sobon & Associates can help save you time and energy… and remember, time is money.